One theme that runs throughout the scriptures is… “Trust Me.” That is our message from God. When I started flying lessons my instructor asked me, “Larry, do you trust me?” Of course I said yes. “But do you trust me enough to believe that there is no situation that you can get this aircraft into that I cannot get it out of?” I had to think on that a minute. I had to trust him enough to believe that he was not going to let anything bad happen.
Read MoreThe place for a human being to thrive is in the presence of adversity, not in the absence of adversity. I don’t like adversity any more than you, but it seems necessary in order for us humans to thrive.
Read MoreI’m convinced that God is present and involved in our lives. He is present even when He seems deaf, out of town, or on leave of absence. God is present even when He doesn’t seem to show up.
Read MoreMaybe one of the reasons we humans in general and we Christians included have such a hard time dealing with the tragedies of our lives is that we feel like God owes us something. I reread something recently and did a double take to see if someone had added a phrase to my Bible. It is found at the end of Hebrews 11, the great faith chapter...
Read MoreJob never knew why. In my study Bible the commentary introducing the book of Job says, “Job is the hero of the book which bears his name.” I’m pretty sure, after having read the book, that there were times that Job didn’t feel very much like a hero. The whole premise of the book is that good, upright, men and women sometimes have to deal with severe and unexplainable (from a human viewpoint) sorrows.
Read MoreSo, having re-read last week’s blog I ask myself, “What am I suggesting?” Am I suggesting that God is uncaring or unconcerned about His sons and daughters, or even worse that He is having a big laugh at my anger, grief, and pain? No, it doesn’t feel right to feel that way…then or now. But I am ready to admit that I might have wondered about it. I certainly asked, WHY?
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