Posts in Adversity
Where is Your Focus?

There are moments and seasons in life that cause us to lose focus - or just utterly freak out! Whether it is through crisis and loss - if you are anything like me - there is a tendency to respond initially with anxiety and worry. The question on my mind this week has been, “What would it take for me to respond with anticipation, rather than anxiety?” I think it comes down to one simple thing…

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Adversity Can Lead to Gratitude

Sometimes the problems we face are overwhelming. We’ve all been there at times in our lives - maybe you are there today. Come with me for a minute as I go back to my days as a missionary pilot, and an experience that profoundly impacted my life and my perspective of dealing with adversity.

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AdversityLarry Hendren

In a time of so much uncertainty, take a minute to learn from Chaplain Larry’s experience as a missionary pilot in Bolivia and what he learned about being resilient in the face of challenges.

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AdversityLarry Hendren
Joseph: How Problems Provide Opportunities

Have you ever been in a challenging situation? It’s one thing when I know it’s my choices that have got me to this place. But what about those times when challenges happen that outside of our control? How do we deal with that? I want to look into the life of Joseph, and see what lessons we can learn from some of his most challenging moments in life.

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AdversityFrank Crosby