Thinking of My Friend Today
I feel compelled to reflect on my friend, Wil Gardner’s life today. He would have turned 76 years old today. Hard to believe he’s been gone for four months already. I think of my friend often. Certain things trigger thoughts about Mr. Wil. There are times I am caught by surprise and emotions catch hold of me. I thought about him last week as I was driving to a funeral in New Jersey and saw the leaves changing on the trees. He sure loved trees and when we would ride together, he would tell me the name of every tree – often stopping to look at a particularly beautiful tree.
I miss his gentleness and wisdom. He was a source of strength and someone that I trusted who I could go to when I needed support, as even the caregiver needs care at times.
This verse was part of my devotional reading this morning:
“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom. ”
I share these thoughts because I know that many of you cared for and loved Mr. Wil. Many of you did life with him for 25+ years. What a gift his life was to many of us.
I sure am thankful to have known God’s Wil. Just missing my friend today.
Maybe you are thinking of someone today that you have lost. Share it with someone this week. Find a chaplain and we’ll create a space for you to share, or find a trusted friend and tell them that you need someone who will listen. Maybe someone you have lost recently had a birthday, or as you look to the holidays, you are dreading the empty chair at the table this year.
As your chaplains, we want to walk alongside you and offer support in any way that we can. You don’t have to do this alone.