Questions for Reflection
The year 2015 is rapidly coming to a close and soon a new year will begin. Often people make New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions sometimes reflect what you did not accomplish the past year and hope to accomplish the New Year. Also, they can reflect the kind of person you had hoped to become.
I want to share with you some “Questions for Reflection.”
- Was it your habit to seriously read and study God’s Word daily? Did you meditate on key verses and allow them to speak to special needs in your Life? To fill your mind with scripture requires a consistent choice.
- Did you choose to consistently worship the Lord? Was your mind filled with godly fear and reverence for Him? Did you really love and reverence Him or did you just seek His benefits?
- Did you find yourself criticizing and judging others? Were you frequently trying to set others straight? Did you tend to draw attention to yourself and promote yourself by putting others down? Were you always seeking to be the center of attention, and constantly thinking mostly in terms of your own needs, and sometimes exaggerate to make yourself look better?
- Were you able to respond with forgiveness and love when someone said things to hurt you? Did you make a point of actively doing good for others?
- Did you find yourself at times filled with more doubt than faith, and allow disappointments to weaken your faith and prayer life?
- At home and at work, did you treat family members and co-workers with respect? Were you consistently expressing love to your immediate family? Did you try to model moral purity before others?
Steps to improve upon these reflections:
- Approach your daily devotional time as a relationship with God rather than a “required ritual.”
- Focus more on issues of building personal character and godliness than on temporal needs.
- Try to discipline your thoughts to be positive and pure. “. . . Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (II Corinthians 10:5)
“When this physical life ends, you won’t take with you the money or possessions you acquired. You will no longer have a physical body to nourish or care for. However, the kind of person that you become will go with you (as the real you) to your next plane of existence (either positive or negative). The real achievement in life is the you that you become.”
Recommended reading for 2016:
- The Bible
- The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
- Returning to Holiness by Dr. Gregory R. Frizzell
- My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers