Faith Gaps
What is it in your life that is beyond your fingertips? What area of your life today requires the most faith?
There are a couple of responses to these questions:
If you are struggling to think of an area of your life that requires faith in God, it may be time to exercise your faith muscle a bit. My hope is that this blog would be encouraging and challenging to you as you grow in your faith.
If you can think of at least one area of your life that is completely dependent on faith in God, that is your faith gap. I’ll talk more about why this is such an important aspect in just a minute.
Three years ago, my wife and I were driving to visit our family in Wichita for Christmas. During the drive, we began to talk about our vision for our family and home. At that time, Val had been working at Simmons for three years as the Fixed Assets Accountant at the Home Office. She loved what she was doing (the girl loves Excel spreadsheets…don’t ask me why!) and who she was working with. During that conversation, for the first time, she mentioned that she felt called to stay home and raise our kids at some point. We began to plan towards that goal and structured our budget to pay off debt (school loans and credit cards). Friday is her last day at Simmons. She has invested so much and it will be hard to step away from a career, but she is stepping towards two (soon to be three) little people that she feels called to invest in more.
Today, one of our faith gaps is finances. Maybe the same is for you too. We’ve grown accustomed to operating under two incomes and starting Monday, it will only be one. I would be lying if I told you that part of our discussion of whether or not to move forward with this decision had to do with “Can we afford to do it?” As we have prayed together over the past few months, the question I feel God asking me constantly is, “Do you trust Me?” As I think back at the most challenging times in my life, I have to reflect on this key question, “Has there ever been a time when God was not faithful?” The answer for me is no. Our family has been through a lot. Some experiences I have shared with you, others I have not.
Through it all, God has an unbroken track record of faithfulness and trustworthiness. All throughout Scripture and all throughout my life, He continues to remain faithful – especially in the areas where I am totally reliant on Him. Through the mountain tops and through the valleys of life, God is faithful.
Having faith gaps in life means that there are areas (finances, career choices, relationships, major life choices, etc.) that are beyond my fingertips. Oftentimes, it means making a prayerful decision without clarity of outcome – fully knowing and trusting that God is in control. Other times, it means stepping out of your comfort zone or your need for control, and trusting in God's faithfulness and love for you.
So what is your Faith Gap?
If you can’t think of one, maybe today you feel that your “faith muscle” is relatively weak. Just like the feeling after you haven’t physically exercised for a few months (or years), spiritually we can feel weakened when we aren’t exercising our faith muscles and trusting in God by following where He is leading even when it doesn’t make sense.
Take a few minutes today to reflect on this. Maybe there is something that God has been calling you towards that you need to step out in faith. If you would like someone to talk to about it, our Chaplains would be glad to be there for you and to walk alongside you.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”