Mother’s Are Like That, Yeah They Are
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so I thought you would enjoy honoring our mothers.
Anna Jarvis was the first one to suggest having a national observance of an annual day honoring all mothers. At a memorial service for her mother on May 10, 1908, she gave a carnation, which was her mother’s favorite flower, to every person who attended. Since then, Mother’s Day has become one of the most special days of the year. We are told there are more telephone calls made on Mother’s Day than any other time of the year.
There was a commercial made several years ago of a little boy (looked to be 4 or 5 years old) ringing a door bell, and as he rubs his big shaggy dog’s head, a mother comes to the door and says, “Hi Mike.” “Hi, is Judy home?” he responds. “She has a cold and the doctor wants her to stay in bed,” said the mother. “Oh, does it hurt and have a temperature?” Mike asked. “No, I gave her aspirin but she still can’t come out.” “What kind of aspirin,” he asked. The mother told him what kind and he responded, “That’s what my mother gives me.” At that the mother stooped down to be on his level and said, “That’s because she loves you, and when you feel better she feels better too.” The little guy smiled and said, “Mothers are like that, yeah they are.” (You can view this by typing in Mother’s are like that, yeah they are, commercial.)
There are obviously many varied opinions about what a woman should be like in our day and age and what a mother should or should not be like. The Scripture says a mother should be and should do-the profile of a godly mother. Abraham Lincoln said, “No man is poor who has a godly mother.” It was Lord Shaftesbury who said, “Give me a generation of Christian mothers, and I will undertake to change the whole face of society in twelve months.” Someone has said, “It is true to say that the influence of a mother in her home upon the lives of her children cannot be measured.” The greatest gift that a mother can give her child/children is a godly mother.
“That’s because she loves you, and when you feel better she feels better too.” We can add to that, when you hurt she hurts also. The key word in this commercial is the word LOVE. I wish to share with you portions from “A Mother’s Day Creed” shared in a message by Rowland Croucher:
“I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
Who was born of the promise to the Virgin Mary
I believe in the love Mary gave her Son,
that caused her to follow Him in His ministry and stand by His cross as He died.
I believe that this love, even at its best, is only the shadow love of God.
A dark reflection of all that we expect of him in this life and the next.
And I believe that one of the most beautiful sight in the world is a mother who lets this greater love flow through her to her child,
blessing the world with the tenderness of touch and the tears of her joy.”
We should treasure family values, and a godly, loving mother is a treasured family value in any home. God founded the home. He founded it before government, school, and the church. It is the basic unit of society. Someone has said, “As the home goes, so goes the society.” The love of all mothers and its importance in the lives of the children they bear, shapes the home and society. I believe the Proverbs is talking about a godly, loving mother when it says, “She watches over the affairs of her household. . . her children arise and call her blessed.”
To all of our mothers, have a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!