A New Focus

I recently read this quote, “No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” The presence of Jesus Christ in your life will change the outcome, of whatever you are trying to accomplish, without fail.

New Year’s Day is a time when we try to start over, to do the things we said we would do (or not do) last year. It is always important to fix our faults of the past year and become a better person. It is good for us to consider the things upon which we need to improve. As people make New Year’s resolutions, for most people the focus is on self. What I am or am not going to do this New Year. In the list of the 13 most popular resolutions, they are all about what I am going to do. If we would change our focus from self to God, I’m sure whatever we have resolved to accomplish, can be accomplished through His strength. The apostle Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.”

A resolution has been described as a “Vision” of what one wants to accomplish. Someone has defined a vision as, “A hope with a blueprint.” “Vision is the ability to see beyond our present reality to create what does not yet exist, to become what we are not yet, and to have the capacity to live out our imagination. . .”

Dr. David Jeremiah shares in his message, “The Life-Transforming Power of a God-Given Vision for Yourself,” five life changing benefits of a God-given vision. I want to share with you a brief paragraph from each one.  

A God-given vision gives you:

A Dynamic-Each day is filled with a sense of anticipation as you watch your vision unfold and impact the lives of people around you.

Direction-Some people have a mundane existence that seems to start nowhere and go nowhere. But, when you are fixed on a vision you believe God has given you, you cannot just exist. Staying true to your vision will make things happen in your life the way God wants them to happen.

Discipline-When you see what God has put into your heart, it energizes you and gives you discipline to accomplish it.

Determination-It will help you exceed the barriers that you assumed were before impossible.

Durability-Long distance runners have to have vision.  The goal can never be out of mind, or fatigue will set in and they will quit.  The same is true for those who want to be long-distance runners for the Lord.  You can never lose sight of your vision.

God uses the vision He gives us to move us forward in life.  He causes us to find the encouragement and satisfaction we are looking for, and that He alone can provide.  Whatever your role or station in life , God can give you a vision for what He wants to accomplish in you and through you in 2013.  Every man or woman who has ever made a difference has had a vision.


VisionFrank Crosby