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A Person of Influence…Connects with People

Definition of Connecting with People

“When you navigate for others, you come alongside them and travel their road for a while, helping them handle some of the obstacles and difficulties in their lives. But when you connect with them, you are asking them to come alongside you and travel your road for your and their mutual benefit.”

Scripture on Connecting with People

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” ~ John 13:34-35

"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers." ~ 1 John 3:16

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." ~ Philemon 2:1-2

Connecting Enables Others to Travel to a Higher Level

Nine Steps for Connecting with People

1. Don’t Take People for Granted

“Weak leaders sometimes get so caught up in the vision of where they’re going that they forget the people they’re trying to lead. But you can’t take people for granted for any length of time before your leadership begins to fall apart.”

2. Possess a Make-a-Difference Mind-Set

“If you desire to accomplish something great and really want to see it happen, you need to possess a make-a-difference attitude. Anytime you don’t believe you can make a difference, you won’t.”

“I can do what you can’t do, and you can do what I can’t do. Together we can do great things.” ~ Mother Teresa

3. Initiate Movement Toward Them

“The number one managerial productivity problem in America is, quite simply, managers who are out of touch with their people and out of touch with their customers.”

4. Look for Common Ground

“Once you make it a regular practice to look for common ground with others, you’ll find that you can talk to just about anybody and meet her where she is. And when you can do that, you can make a connection.”

5. Recognize and Respect Differences in Personality

“Pay attention to people’s personalities, and do your best to meet them where they are. They’ll appreciate your sensitivity and understanding.”

6. Find the Key to Others’ Lives

“Everybody has a key to his or her life. All you need to do is find it. Here are two clues to help you do it: To understand a person’s mind, examine what he has already achieved. To understand his heart, look at what he aspires to do. That will help you find the key, and once you do find it, use it with integrity. Turn the key only when you have the person’s permission, and even then use that key only for his benefit, not your own – to help, not to hurt.”

7. Communicate from the Heart

“Being genuine is the single most important factor when communicating with others, whether one-on-one or before large audiences. No amount of knowledge, technique, or quick-wittedness can substitute for honesty and the genuine desire to help others.”

8. Share Common Experiences

“Look for ways to build bridges with people within your influence, especially during times when they experience adversity. The connections you make will strengthen your relationships incredibly and prepare you for the journey you can take together.”

9. Once Connected, Move Forward

“Leadership is cultivating people today, a future willingness on their part to follow you into something new for the sake of something great.”